May 16th, 2013 12:34pm

Hearing The Sound Of My Lungs

Majical Cloudz “This Is Magic”

I remember a few weeks ago Ian Cohen tweeting something to the effect of how Devon Welsh of Majical Cloudz could’ve made a killing ghost writing the new Depeche Mode album, and everyone would’ve been better off for it. This stuck in my head, and it surfaces every time I hear this song, which is basically the best Depeche Mode song since the early 90s by a wide margin. Not to sell Welsh short, though: He’s got his own thing going, and so few people are good at this sort of stylish, melodramatic hyper-masculine balladry that it’s always welcome. This is excellent “brooding guy walking through the city in the rain, thinking about his many regrets” music.

Buy it from Amazon.

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