April 18th, 2013 12:10pm
R.I.P. Scott Miller, 1960-2013
The Loud Family – Exponential Existential Horror Show
Scott Miller, the singer and songwriter of Loud Family and Game Theory, as well as the author of an excellent book of music criticism called Music: What Happened?, has died. He was a huge talent, and incredibly intelligent and kind. You can get a sense of who he was and what he accomplished in this interview I conducted with him about his book back in 2011. If you’ve never heard his music, you can start with the mix above, which collects my favorite material from his body of work with The Loud Family. If you are interested in Game Theory, his influential ’80s band, that group’s entire catalog is being given away for free on Miller’s official site for the time being. He had a great gift for power pop, and an even greater talent for writing lyrics that were both cerebral and emotional. He went generally ignored or underappreciated for the majority of his career, but it’s not too late to give his work the respect and love it deserves.