November 8th, 2012 1:13pm
Radiation Radiation Radiation
Clinic “Cosmic Radiation”
Clinic’s new album Free Reign contains some of the longest songs of their career, and generally has the vibe of a band stretching out and exploring their grooves. The funny thing is, the best example of them doing that on the album is not even three minutes long. “Cosmic Radiation” has all the feeling of a long jam, but it’s remarkably concise, providing the best twists and turns of an epic without any of the bits where your attention may wander. I wouldn’t mind if it meandered a bit more, actually, but it’s just so much more impressive to see a band so in control of a vibe that they can evoke it perfectly and move on without getting indulgent. There are definitely a lot of bands who could learn a lot from this approach.
Buy it from Amazon.