February 14th, 2012 1:00am

On Behalf Of All Men: Thanks

Himanshu “Womyn”

Heems is very good at sneaking clever, complicated ideas into essentially dumb music. In this song he makes a lot of silly jokes – mostly at his expense – about how much he likes ladies, and while it basically sounds like any number of goofy hip-hop songs about chicks, the real message slowly sinks in: This is a song about genuinely appreciating women and recognizing them as people who have lives, thoughts and opinions. Which is very “no duh,” but in the context of rap, it’s a weirdly radical thought. So one hand, the song is pleasant, light-hearted and sweet, and on the other, it’s a bit confrontational, forcing the listener to wonder why it’s generally rare to find positive, healthy, respectful attitudes toward women in hip-hop. It’s very impressive that Heems can get that across without seeming even a little bit heavy or sanctimonious.

Download the mixtape for free from Seva NY.

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