November 2nd, 2011 1:00am
When There’s No Truth
SBTRKT “Right Thing To Do”
I was concerned that SBTRKT’s show at the Music Hall of Williamsburg would be little more than some guy putting on a mask and treating the audience to a glorified album listening party, but thankfully he and his partner Sampha put in the effort to do an actual live show. Granted, a lot of the show involved hitting buttons on a wide array of equipment laid out on stage, but Sampha’s live vocals and SBTRKT’s live percussion went a long way towards providing a physicality beyond that of the audience, who responded to the throbbing bass and busy beats with great enthusiasm. (I was in a balcony, so I had a good few of the people up front losing it, and a patch of people in the middle who kept inexplicably moshing.) Interestingly enough, though the vocal-centric material is what connects best on record, the instrumental digressions were often the most compelling bits in this set.
Buy it from Amazon.