September 14th, 2011 1:00am

Our Eyes Would Open Up Wide

Kathryn Calder “Who Are You?”

I feel like every time I write about Kathryn Calder, I am compelled to describe her voice as “princessy.” But that’s how it sounds to me – not in the Taylor Swift sense, but in a regal, demure yet self-possessed sort of way. I was disappointed by Calder’s first solo record from last year, but this number from her second album is much more of what I’d like to hear from her – crisp, clear and catchy like music she plays in the New Pornographers, but in a style that wouldn’t quite fit in with that band’s style. In this case, it’s synth-pop. Calder’s voice slips perfectly into that milieu, amping up her gentle humanity on the verses, and an ethereal School of Seven Bells quality on the chorus.

Buy it from Amazon.

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