June 20th, 2011 1:00am
They Got Characters That Play You
Gang Gang Dance “Sacer”
It was somewhat shocking for me to realize that this song has proper lyrics, and in English, no less. Lizzi Bougatsos’ voice on this track is high-pitched and just about incomprehensible — she conveys of feeling in her melody, but words don’t quite form even though they are apparently in there somewhere. The approach to the vocals is very Cocteau Twins, but the mood of the piece is harder to peg. (Sean T. Collins compares the song to T’Pau, but I don’t really hear that. He’s right on about the “secret language of adult glamour” thing, though.) I like that the song doesn’t really give you much solid ground and manages to be very specific and maddeningly vague at the same time. This music evokes a feeling of great relief, so why do I find myself thinking a lot of anxious thoughts every time I put it on?
Buy it from Amazon.