January 21st, 2011 1:23am
Fight To Get It Back Again
Pearl Jam “The Fixer” (Live on Ten Legs version)
I don’t really remember why, but I never got around to writing about Pearl Jam’s last album Backspacer. I suppose I just wasn’t up for it at the time it came out, things were kinda rough and it didn’t connect. I did like “The Fixer” more or less immediately. It’s undoubtedly one of the group’s best latter day singles, an energetic, compact composition that showcases their generally underrated gift for pop songwriting. (Has any other band written so many memorable radio hits while rarely getting credit for writing catchy, well-constructed songs?) A lot of what makes “The Fixer” work is the way the song plays off of the heroic quality of Eddie Vedder’s voice and stage persona. In this song, he’s an earnest, old fashioned guy who wants to save everyone and everything, and to preserve cherished things from the past that he fear may be lost forever. There’s a sense of humor in this, a touch of self-parody, but for the most part, this is the sound of the guy proudly owning his character, messiah complex and all.
Buy it from Amazon.