April 23rd, 2010 8:21am
The Ecstasy Is Kicking In
Dom “Jesus”
Knowing what you want is usually a lot more exciting than having no idea at all. “Jesus” is basically a song about being aware of your desires, and trying to wish them into reality. The list of demands are not incredibly specific…
1) Take me to a different place.
2) I want to feel it in my heart again.
3) Give me something to believe in.
4) I want a party in a basement.
…but it’s all in the realm of the possible. Maybe it’s about trying to experience something all over again, maybe it’s an idealized version of the life you already know. Either way, this song captures that feeling of imagining some perfect moment, and thinking that you’re right on the edge of it actually coming true.
Buy it from Burning Mill Records.