March 11th, 2010 11:20am

Sweetheart You Have That Glow

Gonjasufi “Duet”

I’m not going to front, okay? When I first heard about Gonjasufi, I was being told the name out loud and my immediate thought was “Oh, that is ridiculous and definitely not for me, as I am not some ridiculous stoner.” But you know what? I really like a lot of stoned music, and in actually listening to the album, I was a sucker for its slo-mo grooves and dubby atmosphere. Gonjasufi’s voice has a cool, bitter soulfulness. Rather than disappear into head-nodding oblivion, he always comes across as sharp and lucid, and just a bit aggrieved. “Duet” floats over its percussion, but as much as it feels comfy and relaxed, there’s no getting around the tension and frustration at the core of it, and in his voice. It’s like trying to patiently out-wait aggravation.

Buy it from Amazon.

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