November 2nd, 2009 9:51am
I Could Hear Your Sinking Heart
Oh No Ono “The Wave Ballet”
The singer — I’m not sure of their gender! — sounds rather like Geddy Lee, and the band makes the Arcade Fire sound like a very restrained duo. The song starts with a choral section, and builds to an arena ballad of symphonic majesty. Just so you know, that’s what you’re in for here. Oh No Ono may have a silly name, but they are not fucking around, and as over-the-top as this gets, the emotion and drama of the piece is never tainted by either self-serious pomposity or self-conscious irony. Hugeness does not seem to be the goal it and of itself, but simply what the song must be to properly communicate its feeling. As ornate as the arrangement may be, the most beautiful part of the song is the chorus, which washes over like cool waves, a melodic turn of nearly child-like simplicity in the middle of this epic piece.
Buy it from Oh No Ono.