June 3rd, 2009 8:34am

Stupid Threats

Future of the Left “Chin Music”

Andy Falkous has a way of making bile, bitterness, resentment, and aggravation sound fun. It’s a real gift, and it is ideally paired with his bands’ knack for dynamic, heavy punk rock that hits almost as hard as I wish I could punch the universe in the face on some days. Conveniently, “Chin Music” is actually a song about punching. It churns and it burns and it seethes, and though there are rationalizations, there aren’t any apologies. It’s just GRAAAA and FUCK YOU, and of course, HE HAD IT COMING. Is it good to be so angry? Is it useful to be violent? No. Not at all. But it doesn’t hurt to fantasize sometimes. Falkous gives voice to the macho fantasy, and simulates the feeling of the ideal scenario while puncturing it with clear-headed logic. Very useful.

Buy it from Amazon.

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