April 29th, 2009 6:59am
It’s So Hard To See Where To Go
Richard Swift “The Atlantic Ocean”
“The Atlantic Ocean” is bouncy, assertive and smooth, which is more or less the impression its character wishes to convey to the world at large. He’s terribly self-conscious, but he’s making it work for himself — he’s insinuated himself into a scene, he’s built up his social and cultural capital and he’s ready to spend. He may not be fully at peace with his studied affectations, but he’s become what he wants to be, and that is something to be proud (and envious) of, given how much courage it can take to actually go through with such a thing. Maybe he’ll get lucky, and he’ll eventually get to the point when he, as Courtney Love used to sing, will be able to fake it so real he’ll be beyond fake.
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