August 27th, 2008 12:31pm

You Fill Many Spaces

Solange “Would’ve Been The One” – Solange has a great, powerful voice, but she’s not Beyonce. They’re in the same genre, and in the same family, but they have very different strengths. Whereas Beyonce is a ultra-capitalist pop super-hero, Solange is a fairly normal girl who can slip easily into the sort of material and emotional niches too delicate for her sister’s cumbersome, supremely confident persona. Solange leans heavily on the post-Mark Ronson soul aesthetic — nearly every track is a glimmering modern simulacrum of Motown magic, whether the music is actually produced by Ronson (only one song on the album, and not one of the best) or she’s singing over a Neptunes track that openly pilfers the room-sound of one of the Supremes’ best-known hits. If Beyonce sang any of these songs, it’d be overkill on par with bringing a hydrogen bomb to a water gun fight, but Solange sells her material with the just the right balance of style and down-to-earth humanity. 

In particular, she invests “Would’ve Been The One” with the wounded forthrightness of a girl who is just starting to wise up to her own mistakes, and is calling up the courage to call out others for their indiscretions without denying her own complicity. There’s a great tension in the song, this subtle tug of war between the warmth of nostalgia and the chilliness of resignation and distance. This comes through in her voice just as much as the track, with does some nice tricks with sustained digital decay and boasts a bass line that shifts from a loose, airy groove to a tight, nervous chug as it edges up to the chorus. (Click here to buy it for a ridiculously low price from Amazon.)
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