August 26th, 2008 11:51am

We End Before We Begin

The Mummers “March of the Dawn” – There are some people who live their lives as if it were a story, and their obsession with their personal narrative more often than not gives them permission to behave selfishly, reinforces the very worst aspects of their character, and they gradually degrade into toxic narcissists. There are others who invest their life with the spirit of fiction, and that’s what we have in “March of the Dawn”: A woman embracing the possibility of romance, whimsy, and adventure rather than demanding drama or expecting another hum-drum day of whatever. The music has both the grandeur and humor of musical theater, and the singer sells the song like an eager ingenue, full of passion, curiosity, and courage. There’s a great deal of self-awareness, but also a firm belief that we have the opportunity to shape our reality, and to make it just as magical as what we see on the stage and screen. (Click here to buy it via the Mummers’ MySpace page.)

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