March 26th, 2008 11:36am

A Trilby And A Cheap Guitar

Girls Aloud “Hoxton Heroes” – In this song, Girls Aloud verbally eviscerate some conceited British indie musician, tearing into his privileged background, poor wardrobe, pathetic chart placements, and utter lack of tunes. In other words, it sounds like a Pop Justice blog post set to a particularly heavy Xenomania track. There’s just something so perfect about this — in part, it’s because it’s fun to hear them rip into these sort of dull, obnoxious post-Coldplay types, even if it’s done on entirely shallow and materialistic terms. Mostly, though, I just love that they’re putting out a song so squarely aimed at their most rabid fans on the internet. (Click here to buy it from Amazon UK.)

Also: James Rabbit will be playing two shows in New York City this week. They will be performing at Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn tonight, and at Arlene’s Grocery on Friday night. I strongly recommend that you see them, especially if you are a fan of brightly colored fabrics and floral prints. They played a session for Fair Game last night, and it was rather joyous and magical. You’ll be hearing some of that soon enough.

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