February 27th, 2008 11:53am

You’ll Be Calling, But I Won’t Be At The Phone

Lykke Li “I’m Good. I’m Gone.” – Lykke Li is on her grind. She wants you to know this, so she wrote this song, which tells you just how hard she works for your adulation, and to err, make butter for her piece of bun. (In Sweden, butter is very expensive, and families are known to split buns between up to six people.) The track has a steadiness and intensity that says “hey, I’m working hard over here, pal,” but it shifts into a chorus that floats above the mechanical thwack of the groove to evoke a sense of sense of cool confidence and a feeling of distance and perspective. It’s not a moment of relaxation and reward, but rather a few seconds to envision the desired outcome of her work, and of her life. She holds that image in her mind, walks around inside it for a bit, and then gets right back to work. (Click here to buy it from Lykke Li’s official site.)

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