October 24th, 2007 1:24pm

I Always Say No

Dragonette “I Get Around (Midnight Juggernauts Remix)” – The first time that I ever heard Dragonette was when they opened up for New Order at the Hammerstein Ballroom a few years ago, and my immediate impression of them was that they came across like a mash-up of every cool song that could’ve been played at a high school dance in the mid-80s, but that everyone in the band was a bit too young to have actually been a teenager at that time. This remix by Midnight Juggernauts pulls the song closer to their particular dayglo dance pop aesthetic, but also exaggerates the sense that this music is a sort of false memory by endlessly pounding its sparkling hook over and over. You know how you can kinda half-remember an old song and only recall its most obvious hook, to the point that if you hear the actual song you can be surprised that there was actually more to the tune? This track is mostly just the part that you’d remember twenty years from now. (Click here to buy it from Kitsune.)

Also: I didn’t really ask for this, but there’s yet more arguing about the demise of Oink and the rampant entitlement of its users in the comments box. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, have at it, but be aware that I’m getting really tired of arguing with people about this at this point.

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