September 14th, 2007 7:39am
Missed Connections
Yelle “Tristesse/Joie” – I listened to this song about ten times on the way home from Brooklyn tonight, and all I could think about was how I met this really awesome girl and talked to her for an hour or two, but I got pulled into other conversations and she disappeared before I could get her number/email. Since I only kinda sorta understand what Yelle is singing, the meaning of the song has become tied in with this event, and the music kinda nails the mix of excitement and regret that I feel as I type this. Anyway, I feel extremely lame for writing this in public, but it totally bums me out to think that I might not get to talk to this super rad girl ever again. So hey, Katie (Katy? Caity? Katee? K.T.? Ceighteeee?), if you happened to remember the name of my site when I mentioned it and looked it up and found this post and do not think I’m a total weirdo, please do email me, the address is the bottom of the links column. (Don’t use the Fluxblog one.) We should totally hang out sometime. The rest of you can mock me in the comments or listen to this song or whatever. (Click here for the official Yelle site.)