October 7th, 2005 2:22pm
Here Comes The Cool Air, The Light Chill Of The Fall
X-Press 2 (featuring Kurt Wagner) “Give It” – Lambchop’s Kurt Wagner (as opposed to Kurt Wagner of the X-Men, the X- prefix here is a bit misleading if you’re a comics nerd) is surprisingly well suited to this gospel-house track, speak-singing his way through verses about the onset of the autumn like a preacher who is more concerned with getting a chance to wear his favorite sweater again after months of summery heat rather than matters of a spiritual nature. (Click here to buy it from Juno.)
Goldie Lookin’ Chain “Your Missus Is A Nutter” – Wow, Goldie Lookin’ Chain have improved! I could barely stand that first record. It seems as though they are jockeying to position themselves as a goofier, more cartoonishly laddish version of The Streets, and good for them, since that’s a pretty sensible career path for them to follow. In this episode, the group chastise a friend for his binge-drinking girlfriend, a woman who is less “Girls Gone Wild” and more “Girl Gone Feral” whenever she’s out at the pub. It’s a bit troubling that their concern is less for her well-being than for the preservation of their own macho masculinity, but I suppose it’s just an accurate self-portrait or parody. (Click here to buy it from Amazon UK.)