October 6th, 2005 3:06pm
One Time Per Minute Is Enough For Me
Metric @ Bowery Ballroom 10/5/2005
Empty / Succexy / The List / Monster Hospital / Ending Start / Poster of a Girl / Glass Ceiling / Patriarch on a Vespa / Handshakes / Calculation Theme / Combat Baby / Live It Out // Too Little, Too Late / Hustle Rose / Dead Disco
Metric “Empty” – Though the band omitted what I believe to be their two best songs from the setlist (“Police and the Private,” “Wet Blanket”), Metric delivered a tight, surprisingly theatrical show last night. I’m particularly fond of Emily Haines’ (presumably) choreographed gestures, which often added a touch of wry humor to the deliverary of lyrics that are often laced with bitter sarcasm that runs the risk of being misunderstood. Sometimes her moves were amusingly literal, as when she jerked her head from side to side while singing the words “shake your head, it’s empty” like a robot with a swivel head attempting to headbang. The audience seemed mostly unfamiliar with the new songs that dominated the set, but predictably perked up for the songs from Old World Underground, Where Are You Now, especially “Hustle Rose” and “Combat Baby.” (Click here to buy it from Insound.)
Peter Bjorn and John “Money” – Any guesses as to why this song is called “Money”? I’ve got no idea. I’m more fixated on the lyrical shift that happens in the second verse, which goes from a guy advising someone to “let go of prejudice, let go of cleverness, and open up your heart” just before letting it slip that he loves to see them crumble and cry. Obviously, those are not mutually exclusive feelings nor even entirely unconnected thoughts, but I like to think that the character is being a bit of a dick, and just doesn’t care about the hypocrisy at all.
(Click here to buy it from Parasol.)
I don’t normally do this here, but I strongly recommend that anyone in the NYC area do whatever they can to make it to the United State of Electronica show at the Knitting Factory on Friday. Also, Maxi Geil & Playcolt will be playing a party to celebrate the release of their new 12″ single at Piano’s on Wednesday evening. (There will be an open bar!) Both bands are amazing live, so you really shouldn’t miss this opportunity, especially since USE rarely performs on the east coast.