July 11th, 2005 2:44pm

Always Up To Something Ill And Evil

Tiger Tunes “Kirsten Is A Fuckmachine” – If you are an insecure doormat-y sort of guy dealing with an insensitive girlfriend who makes up for her outrageous cruelty by being quite a handful in the bedroom, then this is YOUR summer jam, especially if you’re into Danish twee-wave. (Click here to visit the Tiger Tunes website.)

Queens of Noize “Indie Boys (Don’t Deserve It)” – It’s so true, and you know it! If you’re an assertive scenester girl who is growing bitter after being burned by Seth Cohen and Conor Oberst types, then this is YOUR summer jam. These two songs compliment each other very well – after all, it’s not hard to imagine that the Queens Of Noize are singing about the Tiger Tunes guy, and vice versa. (Click here to buy it from the Queens of Noize.)

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