July 7th, 2005 3:30pm

I Still Believe In Fun

It’s rather perverse, but I’ve had “Panic” by The Smiths stuck in my head all morning. I am relieved to know that all of my friends in London are fine, and I hope that goes for the rest of my British readers and their loved ones as well.

Nepo “Yer Warpin’ Me” – While most of their peers in Brooklyn are spending their time recycling tired cock rock, art-hippy, and new wave cliches, the mysterious Nepo have been hiding out in their studio crafting slick dance pop that sounds like a twisted, bratty version of a 90s boy band or an evil version of Phoenix. (If you would like to contact Nepo, please send an email to nepo.nepo @ verizon.net)

Death From Above 1979 “Blood On Our Hands (Justice Remix)” – Attn: Justice. Please become a full-time member of Death From Above 1979 so that they can rule nonstop rather than only occasionally. Your aesthetics merge so wonderfully here – why not keep at it? Lord knows we could use more bass-heavy electro rock and less raw nu-rock duos in this world. (Click here to buy it from Amazon.)

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