June 14th, 2005 1:50pm
The Sound Of Guitars Never Meant Anything To Me Before You
Tiefschwarz featuring Matty Safer “Warning Siren” – I mean this in the best possible way, but this really doesn’t sound much different from what I’d expect from Safer’s full-time band, The Rapture. If this song had ended up on the next Rapture record, I think pretty much everyone would be thrilled – it sticks to the strengths of songs like “Sister Savior” (particularly the DFA remix) and “I Need Your Love,” while pushing the music a bit further into full-on electronic dance music. Maybe I’ve only been hearing the wrong Tiefschwarz singles and remixes for the past couple years, but this strikes me as a far more subtle and less overbearing track than what I’m used to hearing from them. The intensity builds up as the song progresses, but I’m most fond of the keyboard part on the intro before the bass and guitars enter the mix. (Click here for more info from Fine Records.)
The Nanobot Auxiliary Ballet… “More” – I’ll be a bit of a pedant and note that this is actually credited to The Nanobot Auxiliary Ballet and Insect Art with the Office of Woodland Security, and the Evil House of Handshakes, Present: Tylenolandadida – the Deadly Ballerina – Featuring: Thechillbotslider, Thepushbuttonmaster, and the Whitehotfunkbot – and Introducing: The Doodads of Doom and the Recipe Box of Spells. With a name like that, it’s really not so surprising that they would end up singing the mantra “more is not what I need more of” over a fairly minimal electro track. You’ve got to get your balance somewhere, right? (Click here to buy/acquire it from Dark Beloved Cloud.)