March 7th, 2005 4:17pm

A Night On The Town

Junior Senior “Itch U Can’t Skratch” – I love that Junior Senior extend the inclusiveness of their twee party music to people like Bigfoot. Even in spite of that one Beastie Boys video, I can’t imagine that Bigfoot gets out much. He’s probably very insecure about his body, you know? He’s exactly the type of person who needs a happy song that specifically asks him to dance. Come on out of the woods, Bigfoot! It’s time to party. It won’t be a coffee & cake affair, Junior Senior are going to have a DJ and dancing, pizza, chips, soda, everything! (Click here to buy it from Vibrashop.)

Banner Barbados “Since You Caught My Eye” – It’s such a cliche to say stuff like this, but this is like the best bubblegum pop song that the Velvet Underground never wrote. As immediate and loveable as this song is, it’s here as the result of a coin flip – there’s another more intense and romantic song called “My Dirty Secret Is A Divine Dilemma” on the same demo that is equally great. Lucky for you, both songs are available as mp3s on the band’s website. This is a very impressive and fully formed debut; surely some clever label will snap these people up soon. (Click here for the Banner Bardbados website.)

Elsewhere: Teaching The Indie Kids has the utterly essential Kidz Bop version of Modest Mouse’s “Float On.” It’s highly addictive, and arguably superior to the original in the sense that the song is a lot more fun with extremely enthusiastic children singing along and shouting “YEAH!” and “ALRIGHT!” after lines like “I backed my car into a cop car the other day” and “a fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam.”

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