January 28th, 2005 3:10pm

I Gotta Rubicon

The Hank Collective “God Slick” – An email exchange from yesterday:

Hey Mike, this was just passed along to me by a member of the band. It’s really, really good! I’m definitely posting something from it tomorrow. I won’t tell you what it’s like, I’ll let you be surprised, but it’s very joycore. Just be sure to listen to the songs from the 2004 album.

Whoa. I’m sitting here smiling my head off right now. I assume your reaction was, “This EXISTS?!?!” Sort of Beat Happening on ecstacy. That’s AWESOME.

Yeah, “this exists?” was pretty much it. I’m still not sure how to describe this stuff. It’s like imaginary music or something – the kind of hypothetical music that writers dream up but never actually exists. It has that strange “lost classic” sound to it, as though it was just unearthed from a time capsule from 1991.

Ah yes, very true. Like the made-up band on the pop radio station in Wes Anderson’s version of Grand Theft Auto. (i.e., Grand Theft Auto: TWEE CITY).

(Click here to buy it from The Blue House.)

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