January 6th, 2005 4:12pm

He Guides Me By Remote Control

Jacob Wunsch & Sebastian Ischer “He’s A Mighty Good Leader” – Wunsch and Ischer claim that their version of this gospel standard is intended to be a “club hit for sex-abstinent Christian teens.” That’s actually a pretty good description of this track, though I find it difficult to discern whether this it is meant to be ironic or sincere. I suspect that it may be the former, but that could just be because the song has a seemingly intentional creepy undercurrent and is sung by an indie-boy vocalist who sounds like an amalgam of Travis Morrison, Wayne Coyne, and Isaac Brock.

Also: The Gentle Voyeur is a promising new blog which collects links to fascinating and/or horrifying personal blogs from the most obscure, least trafficked corners of the internet. Highly recommended to fans of Found Magazine and The Audio Kitchen.

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