December 22nd, 2004 2:55pm

At Least Your Breasts Cost More Than Hers

Amy Winehouse “Fuck Me Pumps (Mylo Mix)” – This is a scathing little character sketch full of intergender contempt, with only a tiny bit of empathy in the form of condescending pity. If you’ve got any impulse for cattiness, this is the song for you. It’s practically the musical equivalent of Gawker and Go Fug Yourself. Holiday bonus points are awarded for sounding as though it’s going to break into “Winter Wonderland” just before the chorus. (Click here to buy it from Amazon.)

Pas/Cal “Last Christmas” – Christmas song, or love letter to Protools? You be the judge. Pas/Cal cover the other George Michael’s* Christmas hit arranged with a taste for excess that stops just short of bringing in a digital children’s choir. (Click here to buy it from Darla.)

* Y’know, the singer/songwriter.

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