September 1st, 2004 2:04pm

The World Will End, But Not Today

David Wrench “World War IV” – With this song, ghostly pale Welshman David Wrench distills wartime paranoia and election-year angst into one of the most exhilirating pop singles of the year to date. The song moves from one killer hook to the next, building up to what could be the best pop-rock chorus since The New Pornographer’s “The Laws Have Changed.” Thematically, Wrench isn’t far off from the New Pornographers either – like several songs from The Electric Version, Wrench advocates hedonism as a sanity-preserving reaction to political and economic decadence. Since 1999 has come and gone, Wrench just wants to “party like it’s World War IV.” There are certainly worse ways to cope. (Click here to buy it from David Wrench’s official site.)

Excerpts from “The Interactive Dubya,” 8/31/2004WFMU listeners grill a “reasonable audio fascimile” of George W. Bush on a wide range of issues including his confusing stance on 527 groups, disgraced New Jersey Governor James McGreavy, and the lyrics to “Desperado”. This was broadcast yesterday as a part of WFMU’s “RNC Remix” stream, which will carry on through Thursday night.

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