December 23rd, 2003 2:11pm
Clear As Winter Ice
Chicks On Speed “Wordy Rappinghood (Playgroup Remix)” – This the dancefloor version of Chicks On Speed’s all-star Tom Tom Club cover from the recent 99 Cents album, featuring guest vocals by Tina Weymouth, Le Tigre, Miss Kitten, Kevin Blechdom and Adult. The somewhat annoying “rum sum sum hi ki yippie ki woo a woo” chorus has been jettisoned, and a sleek disco bassline has been added, which are both improvements as far as I’m concerned. You’ve still got some cheesy white girl rapping, but that’s part of the song’s essential charm.
The Clash “Straight To Hell” (Live) – It’s been a year now since Joe Strummer passed away. It’s still hard to believe that he’s really gone. I remember when I first heard that he had died, and I thought that it was some kind of mistake. It is such a shame that he died so young, but I do suppose he packed quite a lot of living into his 50 years. Anyway, this version of “Straight To Hell” is taken from the live album From Here To Eternity, and contains the immortal “sing in tune, ye bastards!” bit towards the end. R.I.P., Joe.
This will be the last entry til after Christmas. Have a happy holiday, everyone. Take care of yourselves.