July 10th, 2003 2:55pm

I’ll Play My La-La Shit For You Anytime

Velocity Girl “Pop Loser” – It was actually sort of hard selecting a single Velocity Girl song to post here today. I came awfully close to picking one of their more shoegazer-y numbers from Copacetic, but instead chose “Pop Loser” because a) it probably represents Velocity Girl more as a band, since they ended up being more of a bubblegum indiepop group, and b) the cutesy lyrics and light tone are very indicative of a particular strain of American early 90s indie rock that I have a special fondness and nostalgia for. I am now old enough to realize that I will probably always have an inordinate level of affection for early 90s indie pop, but I’m not complaining about that – there are certainly far worse things to romanticize.

Barbara Manning “Mark E. Smith & Brix” – File under: more early 90s indie guitar pop, but a bit artier than Velocity Girl. Excellent use of repetitive guitar motif and spare percussion on this song, by the way.

April Stevens “Teach Me Tiger” – In context, April Stevens is sort of like the Lil’ Kim of the late ’50s. This single was banned for being too sexual at the time, which is pretty funny since it basically sounds like Eartha Kitt singing at a luau. I guess that was apparently way too hott for some people back then. It’s campy, it’s kitschy, and you’ve got to love it. Unless your heart is made of stone, that is. If your heart is made of stone, you may just want to put on The Album Leaf or Sepultura or something like that.

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