June 13th, 2024 8:19pm

I Know I Left Too Soon

Kaytranada featuring PinkPantheress “Snap My Finger”

It took me a few listens to figure out why a bit of the verse melody in this song sounded so incredibly familiar to me, but then it hit me – there’s a melodic turn in the verse that’s just like one of the most memorable parts of Wham’s early 80s classic “Everything She Wants.” I suppose it’s just different enough to justify not giving George Michael a songwriting credit, though I think his estate could easily get it in a post-“Blurred Lines” legal landscape.

Not that I think Kaytranada and PinkPantheress should be giving that sort of credit, per se. “Snap My Finger” is a substantially different song with its own vibe, and I believe borrowing bits from previous songs is part of a tradition of songwriting going back centuries. I’m not even sure PinkPantheress intends to reference “Everything She Wants” here – there’s some shared words in the lyric, but I think this could easily be one of those things when you internalize a melody and then it emerges in something you make later without you consciously realizing it.

For a personal example, when I was 20 I wrote a song with a topline verse melody I realized a few years later was just a lightly modified (read: dumbed down) version of Stevie Wonder’s “Livin’ for the City.” It happens! And this is where taste comes in – I feel silly about not realizing I was lifting from a very famous song, but pleased that I had the sense to borrow from a genius of melody. And that’s the case for “Snap My Finger” – whether it’s intentional or accidental, it’s ultimately flattering to PinkPantheress’ taste that she ended up with snippet of melody as low-key sophisticated as George Michael at his very best.

Buy it from Amazon.

RSS Feed for this post2 Responses.
  1. karen says:

    It seems like a deliberate reference to me—the way she sings “if you want me to” is so similar to George Michael’s “if you want me to” in the line “I’ll tell you that I’m happy if you want me to.” I’ve seen other people make highly subjective judgements about song similarity so many times, I have to take even my own perception with a grain of salt. But it feels that way.

  2. karen says:

    Sorry, her line is BECAUSE you want me to.

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