August 8th, 2023 7:38pm
High In The Daytime
Jungle “Back on 74”
“Back on 74” is a beautifully composed delivery system for a gorgeously harmonized chorus, one so smooth and balmy and comforting that it can make your whole body suddenly relax upon hearing it. The verses feel relaxed too, but a little tighter as the chords and vocal cling to a crisp pocket beat, opening up a lot of negative space in the mix. Once the harmony vocals click in the song gets a lot more dense but the weight shifts, making it feel like you’ve suddenly plunged into a warm pool of water. Jungle and their collaborators are using a lot of old R&B tricks here to great effect but the song doesn’t come out sounding super retro – you recognize the old moves, but the structure and tone feels a little more…mechanical? It’s not electronic, but you can intuit a lot of electronic music ideas informing the decisions here.
Buy it from Jungle.