March 30th, 2023 8:15pm

Hoping You’ll Infect Me

Spill Tab “Window”

This Spill Tab song sounds like it should be put in Buzz Bin heavy rotation, but alas there’s no Buzz Bin to heavily rotate these days. “Window” is jagged yet glossy, a pop song bent by alt-rock and post-punk aesthetics but smooth enough to signal glamour rather than grunge. Claire Chica’s lyrics describe a relationship dynamic in which she come across very anxious-avoidant – she pushes them away, and then the absence makes her heart grow fonder, and a cycle keeps going. She makes it sound torturous but exciting, very much that early 20s thing where you’ve internalized enough fiction to think that the more dramatic a romantic/sexual relationship is, the more adult it is. The song commits to existing in that headspace but I’d be interested in hearing Chica approach this topic from an older perspective down the line.

Buy it from Amazon.

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