January 17th, 2023 12:57am
Until It Happens To Them
Eaves Wilder “I Stole Your Jumper”
“I Stole Your Jumper” is so generous with melodies and sharp in its dynamics that it comes out sounding like a series of escalating hooks with only just a little bit of connective tissue. Eaves Wilder’s lyrics follow a melodic thread that weaves through the chords, starting out by laying out an airtight case for why she’s broken up with someone, but once the song picks up momentum she’s tearing them apart and fantasizing about them being humiliated. The song indulges in a lot of presumably well-earned bitterness and anger, but she brings it down to earth by telling us the only revenge they’ve had – besides writing this song – was stealing one of their sweaters. It’s definitely a petty thing to do, but in the context of these lyrics it’s something that self-effacingly shows us the limits of her rage IRL, but also lets us know that she’s not quite as vicious as she’s letting on.
Buy it from Bandcamp.