August 3rd, 2021 1:52am

The Start Of Something New

Jungle “Talk About It”

Oh, just imagine my incredible surprise upon learning that this excellent bass-heavy groover from the UK was created in collaboration with Inflo, the producer of Sault. I could’ve just fell over! Jungle have a much brighter and optimistic vibe than anything else I’ve heard from Inflo but the approach to bass and percussion is so distinctive – I’m sure there’s something technical about it, something in the mic’ing or mixing or EQing, but that’s beyond me. “Talk About It” hits on a purely physical level – bass that instantly shakes you, drum breaks that slam like Big Beat but with a more organic sound that bypasses the deliberate tackiness of that genre. The shift towards psychedelia feels very Chemical Brothers to me, but the grounding in gospel keeps it closer in tone to Inflo’s usual work and makes it feel like a spiritual successor to The Joubert Singers’ classic “Stand on the Word.”

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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