August 20th, 2020 2:15pm

Waiting For The Locksmith

Okay Kaya “Comic Sans”

The central rhythm of “Comic Sans” is a gentle plodding groove that becomes a bit more emphatic as basic percussion and guitar parts come in but never quite picks up. The lyrics follow through on this feeling of a pleasant rut as Kaya Wilkins sings about moving around in a daze after getting dumped. The song comes from the perspective of not really having a solid handle on the situation – was this actually a bad relationship? Is this actually good for her? Should she feel aggrieved? A situation has resolved itself but left her in a very unresolved state, and even as the music moves laterally through slightly different moods and a chorus that relieves some angst at least on a melodic level, there’s no sense of direction. When the song tapers off and abruptly stops, it feels emotionally true even if it’s a bit unsatisfying in terms of ending a song.

Buy it from Bandcamp.

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