July 28th, 2020 1:41pm
Unwinged And Flightless And Difficult To See
Hum “Waves”
The sound of “Waves” is simple enough to explain with two ’90s reference points – it’s basically the sensuous romantic noise of My Bloody Valentine but performed with the precise brutality of Helmet – but the effect of the music goes beyond that aesthetic arithmetic. It sounds simultaneously violent and serene, and truly vast in scale. The chord changes feel like they could represent geographic epochs, like the song is some kind of time lapse representation of chaos and catastrophe settling into equilibrium. Matt Talbott’s voice is low in the mix; his monotone vocals make him come across like a cold and dispassionate witness of this enormous noise. His lyrics are like jotted down observations – not particularly emotional in tone, but emotional in impact as he describes the humbling effect of perceiving things at this scale and remove.
Buy it from Bandcamp.