February 26th, 2020 6:39pm

Wondering Where The Next Step Is

Real Estate “Friday”

One risk of hearing a song performed live before it is released as a studio recording is that you can end up being disappointed by the decisions the artist made when finalizing the arrangement. This is somewhat the case for my relationship with “Friday,” the outstanding opening song from Real Estate’s fifth album that is nevertheless a bit of a let down for me in that the version I’ve seen them play on stage is far more bass-centric, and much closer to the vibe of Air’s “La Femme D’Argent” from Moon Safari. The bass part is still there and quite good, but more subtle in the mix as the more recognizable elements of Real Estate’s aesthetics – jangling guitar treble and Martin Courtney’s soft, sensitive voice – are foregrounded. And I get it, I do – this is what Real Estate do! This is their entire thing, and this mix is very good on its own terms. But I think it could still use more warmth, and it wouldn’t hurt to lean harder on its most remarkable melodic element. I don’t think that would have taken the focus off of Courtney’s melancholy tone and lyrics about searching for a new path, but rather just cast it in relief as the music subtly shifted away from the band’s comfort zone.

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