May 26th, 2018 4:49pm

Brush It Off Like It’s Nothing

Red Velvet “All Right”

“All Right” is a ruthless pleasure machine designed to smash every joy button in your skull. The melodies are unstoppable earworms, the chords are designed to elicit maximum euphoria. Even by the chipper, hyperactive standards of K-Pop, this song is a lot. And oh god, I LOVE IT. But of course I do: I spent the first decade of this blog chasing this sort of pop high, and will always be a mark for well-constructed joyful dance pop. “All Right” is a hodgepodge of pop tics from the late ’90s and early ’00s – a bit of pop R&B melody on the verses, super-charged Britney on the chorus – with just enough English lyrics sprinkled in to keep it from sounding too alien to Western ears. And having read a translation of the lyrics, I can assure you that you don’t need much more than “ALL RIGHT, ALL RIGHT!” to grasp the meaning of this song.

Buy it from Amazon.

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