May 7th, 2017 1:51pm

Send Myself A Strongly Worded Email

PWR BTTM “Now Now”

“Now Now” is a self-directed pep talk that extends to anyone who hears it. It’s very simple and direct, with Ben Hopkins and Liv Bruce singing lines the verses about wanting to punish themselves for being so hard on themselves, and choruses that resolve to do it NOW NOW NOW! Setting aside the irony of admonishing oneself for other self-admonishments, this is a lovely sentiment and written from the perspective of people who know damn well that deciding to change ingrained behaviors isn’t as easy as simply deciding to do so. The trick of this song is making the act of letting go sound so cathartic and fun, and emphasizing that the barriers you create for yourself as the main thing keeping you from the happy life you want. I love how playful Hopkins and Bruce sound on this, and the way their willingness to get silly and excited sends a message to the listener that it’s OK to let yourself be ridiculous and vulnerable. Most PWR BTTM songs are in some way about self-acceptance and breaking out of restrictive social norms, but this is the one that makes the most effort to pull the listener out of their hangups and into their better, more glamorous world.

Buy it from Amazon.

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