March 15th, 2016 12:20pm
Put Your Hands In Your Pockets And Look The Other Way
TV Girl “(Do The) Act Like You Never Met Me”
I guess it was about time that sad boy indie dance music came back into style, right? TV Girl is a guy named Brad Petering who making tracks that would’ve sounded very suave and urbane back in the late ‘90s, and singing like Ben Gibbard’s lovelorn little brother about the sort of hopeless, haphazard relationships people typically have in their early 20s. “(Do the) Act Like You’ve Never Met Me” is a sad sack tune about the frustration of having to pretend like you’ve never been intimate with someone and acting like total strangers, even though part of your brain is screaming “THIS IS ALL A LIE! DON’T YOU REMEMBER???” This could easily be awful “nice guy” stuff, but Petering has a sense of humor about it – he doesn’t undermine his own emotions, but does put them in proper perspective with a nod and a wink.
Buy it from Bandcamp.