September 10th, 2015 12:50pm

When The Livin’ Is Easy

Battles “Summer Simmer”

The two previous Battles albums had some vocals that could become the center of songs like in traditional rock music, but on their third record, they’ve moved away from that entirely and essentially have placed Ian Williams’ miscellaneous guitars, keyboards, and mysterious electronic sounds as the focal point of their compositions. “Summer Simmer” follows a pattern that holds through most of La Di Da Di – John Stanier and Dave Konopka lay down a complex, ever-shifting rhythm, and Williams cycles through various instruments and equipment, adding melodic and textural parts in reaction to the beat. Williams’ parts are incredibly expressive, particularly this plaintive keyboard (?) lead that comes in about two minutes into the track, but gets replaced around the three minute mark by a brighter and more cheerful-sounding guitar hook. They’ve packed a lot into this track, but the pacing is just right, and the emotional and rhythmic shifts feel totally natural, not jarring.

Buy it from Amazon.

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