May 31st, 2011 1:00am
I Don’t Need A Microphone
Planningtorock “I Am Your Man”
The conceptual conceit of “I Am Your Man” is ironic — its singer and composer is a woman — but its sentiment is entirely earnest. This is a song about being forthright and aggressive in pursuing someone, and having the firm belief that you’re the right person for the one you want. This could be creepy, but in context, it’s not — Janine Rostron sings this with a noble sweetness, it doesn’t come off as overly intense or creepy at all. This is a song that makes love and devotion sound absolutely fantastic. I hear this song and envy the character. The big question here is: Is this the person that Rostron wants to want her, or who she wants to be? I think it’s probably a little of both.
Buy it from Amazon.