June 28th, 2010 7:46am
What’s The Point Of Living If You Don’t Want To Dance?
Kylie Minogue “Better Than Today”
Last year I wrote about how it seemed like the sheet music for Beyoncé’s “Crazy In Love” could just be a row of exclamation points on a staff. With that same concept in mind, I think the sheet music for Kylie’s “Better Than Today” would be all smiley faces, rainbows, shooting stars, and maybe a few unicorns on the bridge. This is Kylie in hyper-Pollyanna mode, and I love it. Kylie is always at her best when she seems sweet, positive, and generous, and this is basically a song in which she makes a case for the pragmatism of optimism over delightfully bouncy hooks. This is neither aggressive or oppressive in its joyfulness — if anything, it’s just an open door to a path to something other than frustration and misery. You can walk through it, or pass on by. It’s kinda hard to turn Kylie down, though.
Buy it from Amazon.