October 30th, 2009 9:03am

I Try And Keep Up

Here are some very good songs from albums I’ve recently given so-so reviews on Pitchfork. Please click through for the full reviews.

Spiral Stairs “True Love”

Kannberg’s new music mostly takes its cues from Neil Young and mid-period Bob Dylan, and to a certain extent, the ragged yet expansive sound suits his strengths as a guitarist and his weaknesses as an often aggravatingly nasal vocalist. “True Love”, the album opener, is confident and sharp despite feeling more than a bit generic, and tracks like “Maltese T” and “Cold Change” are minor works, yet successful on their own terms. (More)

Buy it from Amazon.

U.S.E. “River Of Love”

The band, who wisely shortened their name from the rather unwieldy United State of Electronica in the five years since the release of their debut album, specialize in evoking delirious bliss and positive vibes by melding the style of post-Daft Punk house music, twee indie rock, and a sort of “Sesame Street”-esque funk. Their formula can produce some truly outstanding and uplifting tracks– “Emerald City” and “La Discoteca” from their debut, “All the World” and “River of Love” on this album– but the catch is, you have to already be in an upbeat mood to appreciate the full effect of the music. (More)

Buy it from Amazon.

Telekinesis “Tokyo”

As much as its songs can fit comfortably in the background, several tracks on Telekinesis! reward closer attention. “Tokyo”, a perky rocker about having dreams so vivid they feel like actual memories, stands out as a prime example of songwriter Michael Benjamin Lerner’s gift for conveying a feeling of relaxed urgency. (More)

Buy it from Amazon.

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