November 19th, 2008 9:08am

It’s Hard To Take It Easy

Takka Takka “Everybody Say”

If the music of “Everybody Say” had to be translated into punctuation, it’d be something like a long set of ellipsis contained within parentheses. The composition is gorgeous, particularly in the way it balances taut rhythmic motifs with delicate accents and shimmering leads that come together to imply an expanding yet nevertheless confined space. The emotional content of the piece primarily comes from the tension of having a focus and goal, but feeling totally adrift, and unable to make sense of the space between where you are, and where you want to be. The entire song is like being lost in thought, trying to process conflicting bits of information and emotion, and attempting to figure out how to suss out some sort of mature, adult response.

Buy it from Amazon.

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