April 14th, 2008 10:44am

Memories and Fantasies

Britta Persson “Kill Hollywood Me” – Three of my favorite albums right now are essentially records about the relationship between fantasy and reality. Whereas the Kills’ Midnight Boom and Alphabeat’s self-titled debut yearn for the romance and drama of fiction, and attempt to create a more romantic world through sheer force of will, Britta Persson’s Kill Hollywood Me heads off in the opposite direction, fleeing from the crushing weight of expectations. As she puts it, “memories and fantasies are to be seen as enemies.” She’s not arguing against romance; she’s rebelling against narcissism, the notion that there’s a way our lives ought to be, and the sense that we’re doing it all wrong if we’re lacking in glamor or following trajectories that aren’t quite as dramatic and concise as a story arc in a television series or a film. Her words are sharp, but humble — well, the ones I can understand, anyway. Her accent and phrasing has a way of obscuring her lines, and so a refrain in this song comes out sounding something sorta like “when the fish stinks,” “when the finch sinks,” “when the face stings,” or “when life is steaks.” (Click here to buy it from Amazon Germany.)

Meanwhile, at Fair Game: I forgot to mention this last week, but our sessions with the Child Ballads and Peter Moren are both available now.

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